Created on: 2020-11-02
Watch this video to learn how to give your Acadia a comprehensive regular interval service! In this video, Andy points out all the points you want to check to ensure your SUV is in excellent running condition!
In this video, we're going over what you should do at 100,000 miles service on this first-generation GMC Acadia.
This 100,000 mile service, you wanna do it at 200,000 and 300,000 and so on. Most of the services for this vehicle are 30,000-mile intervals, so you wanna start thinking about doing these around 90,000 miles. Now, we're gonna start under the hood. We want to replace the air filter. Now, this is something you wanna do every 45,000 miles. To do that, take this cover off, take the snorkel off. And then there's some Torx screws all around the perimeter of the air box. You take those off. Pull the cover off, take the air filter out, put a new one in, put it back together. You're good to go.
Now, let's go over some fluids. The transmission fluid is located right here on the top of the transmission. Now you wanna do the best you can with this. It's best to flush the transmission fluid. But if your only option is to drain it, drain it and fill it with the appropriate fluid. And then it's a good idea to do it a couple of times if you're doing that method. On the cap, it actually tells you what kind of fluid to use. And when you're done, you're gonna wanna check the level of this. Warm the engine up, get it to operating temperature, and then check the level in between those hash marks.
And the interval for changing the transmission fluid is again every 45,000 miles. Now you wanna check your brake fluid, see how dirty it looks. There's not really a mileage interval for brake fluid. About every two years you should at least check it. If it looks dirty, it's a good idea to flush it. You wanna extract as much brake fluid out of the reservoir as possible, put in fresh fluid and then bleed the brakes accordingly.
Now, let's talk about the coolant. The coolant reservoir is located right here. Now, coolant is every 150,000 miles or every 5 years. Now, if you have 100,000 miles on your vehicle, most likely you're about the 5-year to 7-year mark on average. So you're gonna wanna extract as much of the coolant out of the reservoir as possible, but the actual radiator cap is under here. And you're gonna have to take these little push pins out and locate the cap right there.
Now, you wanna drain the coolant. Not all radiators have petcocks or drains on them. So you wanna double check that or pull off a lower radiator hose. And same with the transmission. If you're not flushing the fluid out, you're gonna wanna drain it, fill it, and then probably do it a couple more times to get as much of the coolant out as possible. So once you have fresh coolant in there, you can put that back together, check your reservoir, top it off, make sure you run the vehicle and get it nice and warm. And then adjust the level accordingly.
Now, I'm gonna remove this engine cover, take this cap off the oil cap and then pop the cover up. And that's where we can find our power steering reservoir. Now, you definitely wanna check the level in this. You check this with the vehicle not running. Just wipe it off and take a look and make sure it's in between those two lines and sneeze a little bit more. And you wanna check the color of it. Now, it should be red. The fluid in this should be Dex VI. You wanna make sure you use that.
Older models use power steering fluid, but GM updated these all to Dex VI. So if you're having any trouble with this, it would be a good idea to flush it out, but this fluid actually looks really clean so we're good here. Now, the next step would be changing your engine oil. Now, by the book it's recommended to do this every 7,500 miles, which in my personal opinion, I think that's a little excessive. I would recommend doing it every 5,000 miles.
To change the oil in this vehicle, you're gonna remove the drain plug at the oil pan, drain the oil out, then to replace the oil filters located right here. You can access that from up top, and then put those both in, and then put your oil in, and double check your level. And you should be good to go. Next is spark plugs. Now it's recommended to change these every 97,500 miles.
Now they're not located underneath these coils right here, here. There's three in the front, three on the back side. When you're replacing the spark plugs to access this coil, you're gonna need to remove the intake. When you remove the intake, you wanna replace that intake gasket. So before ordering just the plugs, make sure you order a intake gasket as well. Now, because of the age and the mileage of the vehicle, it's a good idea to check your hood latch and the hood latch cable. You don't want this breaking on you where you're not gonna be able to open the hood. So just take a look at it and see if it looks rusty at all. If it's at all rustier than this, you wanna replace it. And also check the cable. Just take a look at any of the plastic. See if there's any cracking in it, or if there's any rust buildup anywhere around it.
It's a good idea to replace that. Do that before it actually breaks on you. Make you sure you top off your washer fluid. It's a good idea to check your wiper blades, see how they look. And then that's it for under the hood. And the transfer case is located right here. You wanna change the fluid in this every 45,000 miles. The fill plug is located right there and the drain plug is on the bottom. You always wanna take the fill plug out first because if you drain it out and then you can't get that out, then you're not gonna be able to get fluid back in the case. So that's a quick tip for you. Pull the fill plug out first.
And the rear differential, located right here. You wanna replace that fluid every 45,000 miles as well. Fill plug is right there. Pull that out first, drain the fluid, put the drain plug back in and then top it off. Now, while we're under the vehicle, you wanna look for any leaks, see if there's any axle steels leaking, or any fluid leaking out of this area or right here. And then underneath the front of the vehicle, same thing, anything from the transfer case, anything from the engine.
A lot of times the timing cover has a lot of fluid leaks. So if you see anything wet, like this one's a little bit wet, so that might be something you wanna address, and then the transmission as well. And you also wanna check the exhaust. Check for any leaks and see around any of the flex pipe. This is starting to deteriorate. So that's gonna need to be replaced at some point. Right now, it seems like it's okay. And then same with over here, this is starting to separate. So that's gonna need to be replaced at some point.
And check the seals. Those are good. And the muffler, see if there's any holes in the muffler. It doesn't look bad at all. And there is gonna be some drain holes right here and on the other muffler. And that's normal so don't worry about that. Check the hangers, make sure the hangers look good. Those look okay. And rotating your tires. You wanna rotate your tires every 7,500 miles or every oil change.
The front ones, you wanna go straight back, and the back ones you wanna cross to the front. Now, while you have the tires off, you wanna take a look at your brakes, not only the pads and the rotors, but also the brake hoses. Now at 5 years or 10 years, you're gonna see some dry rot in some of these brake hoses. And if you see that, you wanna replace them. Then under this cover, you can check the serpentine belt. Just take a look at it. See if you see any cracking in here or a glazing. It looks like this belt is probably due to be replaced. So to do that, you're gonna need a serpentine belt tool. And just take that off, put a new belt on and be good to go.
And the cabin filter, you wanna replace that every 22,000 miles. Now that's behind the glove box, pull the glove box down, take these two pins out, and twist them out. Slide it down. And then the filter is right there. There's a little cover. Take that out. Put the new filter in, you'll be all set. Now one more thing that's in the owner's manual to check is the EVAP system. Chances are, if you don't have a check engine light on, the EVAP system is probably okay.
But you can also take a look at the gas cap, make sure it's tight. And take a look at the condition of the gas cap. Make that this rubber seal looks pretty good. This one's looking a little bit on the drier side, so it's probably gonna be due for a gas cap soon. And then the ratchet on the gas cap. This one just has a one-click. That seems good. So that's our 100,000 miles service for this first-generation GMC Acadia. If you enjoyed this video, make sure you subscribe to our channel, ring that bell, turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our videos.