1982 International S1624 Brake Calipers & Brackets
Replaces 1982 International S1624 with 3.38 Inch Single Piston Bendix Caliper Front Passenger Side Brake Caliper ACDelco 18FR651
Brand: ACDelco - 18FR651$63.95Save 51%List $130.95 Save $67.00Guaranteed to Fit 1982 International S1624
Guaranteed to Fit 1982 International S1624
Replaces 1982 International S1624 with 3.38 Inch Single Piston Bendix Caliper Front Driver Side Brake Caliper ACDelco 18FR652
Brand: ACDelco - 18FR652$63.95Guaranteed to Fit 1982 International S1624
Guaranteed to Fit 1982 International S1624
Guaranteed to Fit 1982 International S1624
Guaranteed to Fit 1982 International S1624