Created on: 2018-06-21
How to replace a burnt out or dead dome light bulb on 16 Ram 1500
Hi. I'm Mike from 1AAuto. We've been selling auto parts for over 30 years!
To remove these map lights, and change the bulb, they are hinged right here. Push them on and off. We use our plastic prying tool; you can get this from, and you want to pry up on this edge here. Two little hinges are here, so you can just kind of go to the outside edge. There's a tab up here, so you don't want to pry up here, you'll break the tab off. So just kind of gently pop it out, and then kind of work the tool around here, and then pop that out, and it will slide out. There's the tab. The covers off.
With the lens cover off, we can get to the bulb. It's a little 194 peanut bulb. It can be kind of hard to get to, and get your fingers in there, but you can try, and if you get a hold of it, and then just kind of wiggle it as you try to pull down, sometimes it'll come out with your fingers. It can be difficult though. You just have to work at it. So I was just basically, just pushing around, wiggling it, working it out of the socket.
This just pushes in. So to replace it, just reinstall it by pushing it right into the socket, the same way that it came out. This side is the same exact way.
To reinstall, we'll put the tab towards the outside of the vehicle. So on the passenger side, this tab will be towards the passenger side. Then slide it up in. It kind of finds a little opening right about there. Then push it up into the hinges. It'll snap into place. It's the same for the other side.
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