Created on: 2017-05-03
How to access and clean your throttle body on 06 Ford Explorer
Socket Extensions
Flat Blade Screwdriver
Torque Wrench
Paper Towels
Soft-Bristle Brush
8mm Socket
Cloth Rags
Throttle Body Cleaner
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In this video, we're going to be working with our 2006 Ford Explorer. We're going to show you how to remove and replace your vehicle's throttle body, as well as how to clean it out when you have it off. If you like this video, please click subscribe. We have a ton more information on this and many other vehicles, and if you ever need parts for your car, you can follow the link down in the description over at Here are the items you'll need for this procedure.
Loosen the clamp on the air box side of the intake duct with a flat blade screwdriver. You'll then want to disconnect the breather lines. There's a little green tab here that you just pull back and pop them off. You'll then need to undo the clamp on the throttle body. You'll then want to remove the intake duct.
Disconnect the throttle position sensor. To do this you'll need to remove the red lock tab on the connector. Then push down to release the plug. On the opposite side, we'll remove the connector to the stepper motor that operates the throttle. Remove the four 8mm bolts securing the throttle body to the intake manifold. When the bolts are out, remove the throttle body from the vehicle. Using the pick, pop out and remove the throttle body gasket.
Now this throttle body isn't terribly dirty, but we're still going to show you how to clean it out. The process will be the same. You should have some black deposits like this. All you want to do is spray them with some throttle body cleaner. Then take a plastic bristle or a soft bristle or a brass bristled brush. Just get in there and scrub all that dirt and debris out. Wipe out any leftover residue with a clean rag or a paper towel, and you're ready to reinstall on your vehicle.
Install the throttle body gasket. Reinstall the throttle body and the four 8 mm bolts. Torque these bolts to 89 inch-pounds. Make sure the clip is in the throttle position sensor connector. Plug it in and push the tab back down to engage it, and reconnect the stepper motor on the throttle body.
Reinstall the intake duct and pop on the two breather connections, then tighten it down with a flat blade screwdriver.
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