Created on: 2018-04-05
How to remove or replace a damaged, scratched, or broken rear bumper cover on 11 Toyota Prius.
Socket Extensions
Flat Blade Screwdriver
Phillips Head Screwdriver
10mm Socket
Trim Tool Set
Hi, I’m Mike from 1A Auto. We’ve been selling auto parts for over 30 years!
So on the top of the bumper, there are two Phillips heads screws on each corner. I’m going to remove those using Phillips head screwdriver. At the top corner of the bumper edge there's a 10 millimeter self-tapping screw. It needs a 10 millimeter socket, extension and ratchet to remove it. There's also a Phillips head part in it that you can use a Phillips head screwdriver, but I find the ratchet to be easier to use with the socket.
So remove this one here, and then the same for the other side. We're going to start on the passenger side. Only the passenger side has this little plastic nut. Unscrew it and take it off. Use a small flat headed screwdriver. Pop these push clips out. They’re probably filled with dirt. They usually jam up. There's a good chance you might break them, and you'll have to have some new ones on hand to replace them. Once the center part unlocks, they usually slide out a lot easier. Yeah, it's just filled with dirt and gunk. Do the same for this one here.
If they get really stuck, you can use a trim clip tool to pry them out. Remove these two push clips here. These two self-tapping bolts can stay in place. Now our bumper is loose on this side. Along the lower edge of the bumper is this black trip piece. There are push clips in here. We’re not removing those push clips. I'm going to move over to these ones, where you can see the body color of the bumper on these tabs here. This one here, this one here, this one here, there's four of them.
Remove those push clips in the same manner as the other ones. I use a little bit of glass cleaner, because like I said, these get caked up with dirt, and the glass cleaner will help make it easier for them to come apart. Once you get them lifted up like that, then you can slide the tool under here and pry them out. Even for a plastic thing, they really get jammed up with dirt. Just repeat this for all the other push clips on the body color tabs. There's a push clip here on this side, instead of having that nut like on the passenger side. These all just remove just like the other ones. That looks nice and loose.
To remove the bumper, there's a plastic rack under here that the bumper clips into it, so these, with all the clips and bolts loose, we're going to pull the bumper cover off. It’s going to sound like I'm breaking it, just give them a good tug like that it will come loose. Go this way with it. There's a hook underneath the tail lamp. I'm going to go to the other side and unclip this side too. This one was already loose, somebody probably backed into something. You got to give it a good little tug, and once it's off the bumper cover is not very heavy, and there it is.
To reinstall the rear bumper, slide it into place and get underneath these hooks. On these hooks that are underneath the tail lights, on both side. Get it started on both side, hold it in place. If you're doing this on the ground, you have to slide underneath the car. And just make sure that this tab, this body color tab, is on the other side of this bracket. Bend it up. It will help slide the bumper in further.
The bumper needs to come out and go around the splash shield. Slide it into place like that. It's going to go over this little part here, so it's going to be pushed up. It will snap into place. Do the same for the other side.
The bracket’s damaged on this side of the car. It’s bent out, but it should go on right flush in there. Our bumper corner was sticking out here because the bracket was not correctly installed. This tab is supposed to go on the other side of the sheet metal here. There's three 10 millimeter bolts that have Phillips head screw cut outs, but we're going to use the 10 millimeter socket extension and ratchet. Just loosen this bracket up. I probably don't even need to take these bolts all the way out. I'll just loosen them up. I guess I do have to loosen them up and they'll come right off. Pop it out, pull it off the clips, slide that bracket underneath, pop it back into place.
Reinstall these self-tapping bolts. Lift the bumper up, slide it into place, it needs to go over this little pin that's sticking out. It's clipped into place. It’s not sticking out anymore. It’s flush to the body.
Reinstall our self-tapping screws that have these plastic grommets around them, do the same for both. We're going to reinstall the self-tapping screw that goes in each bumper corner. It goes right here into the opening, and the same for both sides. This is threaded studded here, push the bumper down and over it. This little plastic nut went on here. This was only on the passenger side. The rest of the bumper is held on with push clips, you can reuse the old ones and push them in, lock in place. Push clips over here on the body colored part, pull this down a little bit, push that up in there, lock it in.
If it helps, these get crudded up with dirt, these push clips. You can use some glass cleaner or some soapy water to get them to move freely again. There's still some dirt on this one, no big deal, it's going to get dirty again. It'll just help it go into the opening, push it in to lock it. Just do the same for all of them. The bumper is reinstalled.
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