Created on: 2016-06-03
Watch this video to learn how to replace your own crankshaft position sensor. The experts at 1A Auto show you how to replace the sensor on your 01-05 Honda Civic.
12mm Socket
Socket Extensions
Flat Blade Screwdriver
Torque Wrench
14mm Socket
Jack Stands
19mm Socket
10mm Socket
Floor Jack
1/2 Inch Breaker Bar
Honda Crank Holding Tool
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Hi, I'm Mike from 1A Auto. I hope this how-to video helps you out, and next time you need parts for your vehicle, think of Thanks.
In this video, we're going to show you how to replace the engine position crank sensor on this 2003 Honda Civic with the 1.7-liter motor. Pretty much the same for 2001 or 2005 as well Acura EL. You'll need 10-19 millimeter sockets, wrenches, ratchets, and extensions, Honda special crank holding tool, breaker bar, torque wrench, jack and jack stands, and a flat blade screwdriver.
Using a 19 millimeter socket and a breaker bar, break your lug nuts loose. Raise and support your vehicle on jack stands. Finish removing your lug nuts. Remove the wheel and tire from the vehicle.
Pry out on the inside of the push connectors with the flat blade screwdriver. Remove them from the inside of the splash shield. Allow the splash shield to hang out of your way.
Remove the power steering adjusting bolt using the ten millimeter socket and ratchet. Loosen the adjusting nut with the twelve millimeter wrench. Loosen the pivot bolt at the bottom of the power steering pump with a twelve millimeter wrench. Remove the adjusting bolt. Remove the power steering belt. Remove the rest of the pivot bolt and the bottom of the power steering pump. Once the power steering pump is free push out on the tab to release the power steering reservoir.
Remove the assembly out of the way without disconnecting the lines. Remove the ten millimeter nut holding the power cable to the back of the green connector on the side. The fourteen millimeter bolt at the top of the alternator, and loosen the adjusting nut at the back. Remove the power cable to the alternator with the ten millimeter socket and ratchet. Disconnect the connector at the back and release the harness from the bracket.
To release the harness, just push down on this tab on the back and slide it off. We'll be removing our valve cover later, so we'll fish this part of the harness up out of the way now.
Loosen the twelve millimeter bolt at the bottom of the alternator and the fourteen millimeter bolt at the top. Loosen the adjusting bolt at the bottom until you can remove the belt from the alternator. Remove the belt from the vehicle.
To remove the nineteen millimeter both on the crank pulley, you will need the special holding tool from Honda, which sits into this hex, a strap wrench to keep the pulley from turning, an extension and a breaker bar. Get onto the nineteen millimeter bolt in the center of the pulley and these tend to have a lot of torque on them. They're very stubborn, so we're going to use a cheater pipe on our breaker bar. This is actually the handle off of our jack.
On the handle, takes a good bit of force to break these loose. I've already cracked it loose a little bit, but with the cheater pipe, you've really got to put your weight into it to get them going. Once the bolt's been broken loose, you can remove your special tools. You can use a nineteen millimeter socket and ratchet to remove the bolt the rest of the way. Remove the pulley from the crank shaft. Be careful not to drop the key stock that's inside the pulley.
Remove the connector on the rear side of the engine. Disconnect it from the retainer on the lower engine cover. Should just pop out. Allow it to hang off to the side.
Remove the four bolts on the lower engine cover here, here, here, and here. Remove the lower timing cover from the engine. Be sure to remove the rubber seal with it. Remove the 10 millimeter bolt on the crank position sensor. Remove the sensor and bolt from the vehicle.
Reinstall your crank position sensor. This plastic stud sits into this hole in the block. The 10 millimeter bolt above it. Go ahead and tighten that up.
Reinstall the connector. Make sure that the gasket on the back of your lower timing cover is seated and placed property before re-installing onto your motor. Tighten down the four 10 millimeter bolts with a socket and ratchet. Remove your crank pulley volt from the crank shaft
Install your key stock into the slot on the crank and align your crank pulley to that. Install your crank bolt. Reinstall your Honda crank shaft holder tool. Use a nineteen millimeter socket to bring the bolt down and torque to 148 foot-pounds.
Reinstall the alternator and compressor belt. With the belt reinstalled on the pulleys retention the alternator. Down to the alternator. Install the four pin connector at the front followed by the power lead and the ten millimeter nut for the power lead. Tighten up the power terminal with a ten millimeter wrench or socket. Bring the power steering pump and reservoir back to the front of the motor. Install the pump onto the carriage bolt. Secure it with the nut.
Reinstall the tensioner into the pump. Install the nut on the back of the tensioner bolt. Just hand tight for now. Reinstall the power steering belt. Loosen up your tensioner until you're able to reinstall the tensioner bracket. Put the ten millimeter bolt in. Tighten it with a ten millimeter socket and ratchet. Retention the power steering belt. Tighten the power steering belt until you have about a quarter inch of give. Tighten the twelve millimeter nut on the back of the power steering pump tensioner bolt with a socket and ratchet. Tighten the twelve millimeter nut at the bottom of the power steering pump.
Reinstall the power steering reservoir.
Reinstall the negative terminal on your battery. Tighten it down with a ten millimeter wrench.
After everything has been installed and rechecked, it's time to start your vehicle. Install your lower splash shield with the two plastic push pins.
Reinstall your wheel. Start your lug nuts with a nineteen millimeter socket. Using a nineteen millimeter socket torque your lug nuts to 84 pounds in a cross pattern.
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