Created on: 2020-07-13
This video shows you how to install a new TRQ brake rotor and pads on your 2003-13 Toyota Matrix.
Torque Wrench
14mm Socket
17mm Socket
Brake Parts Cleaner
Safety Glasses
21mm Socket
Brake Caliper Hanger
Wheel Chocks
Anti-Seize Grease
Brake Grease
Brake Caliper Compressor Tool. Quad Piston. Ratchet Style.
Floor Jack
Wire Brush
Now, we're gonna take the wheel off. Use a 21-millimeter socket, take the lug nuts off, and take the wheel off. Now, I'm gonna take these caliper bolts out. I'll use a 14-millimeter socket. Take those out. Now, we're gonna take the caliper off. Just use a screwdriver, compress the piston a little bit and slide it off. Now, use a caliper hanger, hold the caliper. Now, take the brake pads off. Now, take a 17-millimeter socket, take these 2 bolts out so we can take the bracket off. Take the rotor off. Now, you wanna clean up the hub a little bit. You can take a wire brush to clean up some of the rust, or if you have a die grinder, just grind. Grind some of the rust off. I'm just gonna use a little anti-seize on the hub. Just a nice thin coat. Now, I'll take the rotor. Just gonna put it on backwards first. Take some brake parts cleaner and just spray it down and wipe it down with a rag and flip it around. Spray it down this side.
Now, we're gonna take these pad slides off the caliper bracket. Just use a straight blade screwdriver. If you're gonna reuse these, just clean these up. We're gonna replace ours. Slide that off and do the same on the other side. And then take the wire brush, clean up this rust, and take some brake grease. Just a nice thin coat. And then take the new anti-rattle clips or the pad slides. Then on the pad slides, you can just put a thin coat of grease. And then now we wanna take the caliper pins out. Slide these out. Take some brake parts cleaner and just clean the pins off. And you can spray some brake parts cleaner in there and clean that out as well. Then take some grease, grease up the pin and slide it back in and do the same with the other one. Now, take the caliper bracket and then line it up. Put the bolts back in. Now, I'm gonna torque these bolts to 79 foot-pounds. Now, take the brake pads and slide them in position. And looks good. Now, take the caliper off the hanger. Then we wanna compress this piston. You can use one of the old brake pads and then a brake caliper compressor tool just to line this up and then just compress the caliper.
As I tighten this up, it's gonna push the piston in, push the brake fluid through the hoses and the lines back into the master cylinder and into the reservoir. Just go nice and slow. And take the caliper, slide it over the pads. You might have to turn the slide pins, the caliper pins to get those to line upright. Looks good. Take the bolts, get those started. And then I'm gonna torque these bolts to 25 foot-pounds. All right. Put the tire back on, and the lug nuts. Now, I'm gonna torque the lug nuts to 76 foot-pounds in a star pattern so that it tightens the wheel down evenly. And I'll just go around again, double-check. Then you wanna pump the brake pedal slowly because there's gonna be an air gap in between the caliper piston and the brake pads themselves. That feels good. Then you wanna make sure you check the brake fluid level in the master cylinder and the reservoir. So, go in between the min line and the max line and adjust accordingly.
Fading or worn out brakes? Learn from our experts in this video how to replace and prepare the front brakes yourself, including torque specs