Created on: 2019-09-17
Check out this video to learn how to replace the mass airflow sensor (MAF) on your 05-16 Toyota RAV4. 1A Auto shows you how to do it yourself!
What's up guys? I'm Andy from 1A Auto. In this video, I'm going to show you how to replace the mass airflow sensor on this 2010 Toyota Rav4. If you need this part or other parts for your vehicle, click the link in the description and head over to
Mass airflow sensor is located right here on the driver's side above the air box. Disconnect the connector right here. Push down on that. Pull it out and there's two Phillips head screws right there. Just use a smaller Phillips head screwdriver. Push down. Be careful not to strip these screws out. Pull that one out and this one as well. Get those out. Grab the sensor. Just rotate it a little bit and slide it up. Here's the old sensor. Here's the new mass airflow sensor from The shape is the same, has the same O ring. The body of the sensor is the same with the same screw holes and the connector is the same. Get yours You'll be ready to rock and roll.
Take the new sensor. If you see any dirt around where the sensor is going to get installed, you're going to want to wipe that. You could use a rag and just slide that in position. Take the screws. Get these screws started. Take a screwdriver, Phillips head screwdriver and tighten these down. Don't tighten them down too tight because it is plastic that you're screwing into. So just snug. That's good. Take the connector and line the connector up and lock it down.
Thanks for watching. If you want the parts to do it yourself, check out, the place for DIY auto repair.
New Mass Air Flow Sensor with Housing from How to remove, install, fix, change or replace a broken Mass Airflow Sensor / Meter on 04, 05, 06 Nissan Altima