Created on: 2017-06-09
If the parking sensors are damaged or defective, this video will show the steps for removing and installing the taillights, bumper cover, and sensors
13mm Socket
Socket Extensions
8mm Socket
7mm Socket
10mm Socket
Hi, I'm Mike from 1AAuto. We've been selling auto parts for over 30 years! We're dedicated to delivering quality auto parts, expert customer service, and fast and free shipping, all backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. We've created thousands of videos to help you install our parts with confidence. That saves you time and money, so visit us at, your trusted source for quality auto parts.
Underneath, you don't have to jack your car up, we just have it up to show you. But there are two 7 millimeter bolts. There's one on this side, and then another one just on the opposite side. Remove those. On the inside of your tailgate, remove the two 8 millimeter bolts that hold your tail light. And do this on both sides. And remove the tail light. Pull out at the top, and then pull out at the bottom as well. And just turn all your sockets counterclockwise and they pull out. And again, repeat on the other side. Where the tail light was underneath, there's an eight millimeter bolt here and a ten millimeter bolt there. We're going to remove both those on both sides. You have nine push plugs that hold the bumper cover at this point: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine. And you basically use a screwdriver. Get in there, twist, and just keep working it in the middle. They may have sanded them, so sometimes they're kind of difficult. Then pull the middle out, and they pull out.
On each side, lift up, and the bumper cover will come off. If you have rear parking sensors, there's a connection right here. Sometimes it's best to use a flat blade screwdriver. Just need a little separation and disconnect it. If you're concerned about your bumper cover, put a pad down on a work surface, and make sure it doesn't scratch. And we have three 13 millimeter speed nuts to remove here, and then one on each side as well. That allows this styrofoam pad to come out. With those speed nuts out, lift the styrofoam up and away. You have to push out on the middle a little bit, and bring it up and off. Then the sensors have two tabs. Just carefully pull out while you use a screwdriver to pull the tabs out. Sometimes you might have to hold one with the thumb. And then they come out, and then there's a little tab that hold the connector on. Again, carefully pry it with a screwdriver. And then pull off the lead.
The original sensor from the vehicle, a lot of times they get damaged or broken. Here’s new ones from 1A Auto. They’re an exact replacement. It's going to go in and connect just like the original. And if you have bad back up sensors, it’ll fix your problem right up. And re-installation's pretty simple from this point.
Just to note, there are four sensors in this bumper cover. And all four are the same, so if you're doing one, it's probably not a bad idea to buy all four and just put new sensors in. To reconnect, there's a tab there. Make sure it lines up with the tab on the connection. Push it into place, and make sure it's locked. And then the sensor just pushes right into place. Be very careful not to break these plastic tabs that are sticking up. You kind of have to rotate it down on. And make sure that they go into the styrofoam and are lining up. Sometimes the plastic guard gets stuck to the styrofoam interferes. And there.
Then put our speed nuts back in place. And tighten them up. Just need to get them on there so they're holding the styrofoam in place. They don't need to be tight really at all. We'll reinstall the bumper cover, put it in place, reconnect your sensor lead if you have one. And then on each side, make sure your tail light wires come up and out of the way. Feed it roughly into place. And you can put a clip in to hold it. On each side, just hold it in place for now. On each side, there's a hook. So you just have to pull it back a little bit, and make sure it lines up there. Push it toward the body, and then make sure it locks down on. Reinstall the 10 millimeter bolt and tighten it up first. Put the 8 millimeter bolt in as well. The largest connector goes to the bottom. And then your white connector goes in the middle, and this one at the top. And turn them clockwise to lock them in place.
The two tabs here go into clips in the body. Just kind of look back in, and make sure they're going in correctly. And then the two 8 millimeter bolts that hold it inside. Then, just push the clips in all the way and lock them. And repeat the rest of them. Repeat on the opposite side, 10 millimeter bolt, and the eight millimeter bolt. Tighten those up and reinstall your tail light. And on each side, reinstall and tighten the seven millimeter bolt to hold the bottom of the bumper cover.
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This video shows you how to replace a parking assist sensor on your 2006-12 Ford Fusion.