Created on: 2020-03-25
Watch this video to learn how to install a new parking assist sensor on your 2010-18 Ram 1500 truck.
Hey, friends. It's time to get started on doing the parking sensors on this. So let's get under the vehicle. Okay, so, I'm underneath the bumper. I can see exactly where these are. Right here, okay? You've got one all the way over to the passenger side, in the center passenger side, center rear, left rear, and then all the way over on the driver side.
So to get these out, you're gonna use a small pocket screwdriver. And you go right in between the sensor, and the plastic that's holding it. And just kinda give it, like, a little bit of squeeze. And it should pop right out just like that. Next, you grab this tab. Give it a little tug. Always check your connector. Compare the two parts to make sure you're dealing with the same thing. Super important. Looks the same. This one's just missing the grommet that fell off. So, I'm not worried about that. I'm gonna take this, connect it in, gave a nice click. I'm gonna bring it up here. I'm gonna press this in, listen for another click. There it is. Give it a nice tug. It doesn't come out. Perfect, you would just do the same to all four.