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How to Replace Radiator 2011-17 Ford Fiesta

Created on: 2019-03-07

How to repair, install, fix, change or replace a broken, damaged, or leaking radiator on 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Ford Fiesta

Tools needed

  • Funnel

    Flat Blade Screwdriver

    T20 Driver

    Phillips Head Screwdriver

    Drain Pan

    Slip-Joint Pliers


    Trim Tool Set

Right, I'm Mike from 1A Auto. We've been selling auto parts for over 30 years.

Hi everyone, Sue here from 1A Auto and today, we have a 2011 Ford Fiesta in the shop and I'm going to show you how to move and replace your radiator. If you need this part or any other part for your car click on the link below and head on over to 1Aauto.com.

We're going to remove the air box itself so I'm going to take off the mass airflow sensor connector. Lift that safety tab and push down there and release it. I'm going to take this hose of the vent to throttle body. Now I'm going to take a flathead screwdriver and I'm going to reach down here and I'm going to take that clamp off the throttle body. There we go.

I'm going to take the hose off. Grab the housing itself and see the rubber bushing right here? There's some below that are just like that. I'm going to end up taking the lid off cause the housings just ... It's just rubber bushings but it's kind of rusted in there. So these are Torx bit head and they're a 20. T20. If they're rusted and worn out, like one of them is, I'm going to use the T25. This one right here is rusted out. So I'm going to force a T25 in there. There's four mounting screws to take this lid off. This is a T25 cause it's worn out. I can just lift that right up and put that aside. I'll take the air filter out.

So now that the lid is off the box cover, you can see there's a rubber bushing here, and a rubber bushing there and then this one right here. So you're grab with a firm hand and pull it right out of that rubber bushing. Everything's plastic so you don't want to break it. There you go. It's probably been a long time since it's been out. So I'm going to take this piece off right now. Now you've got this vent hose. Once we get this up we can how it's a twist to release. Pinch these pieces and pull it right off.

Now the air box is all the way, I'm going to take this vent hose and make sure I don't break it cause it is plastic. Put that over there, out of the way. Now we can see that we have a sensor right here, mounted. It's just a little pinch and pull. Seems to be the vent for the transmission. I'm going to make sure that's out of the way. Don't forget to put that back on. Now I'm going to take the electrical harness that goes to the fan and I'm going to pop it outta the plastic ears that hold the harness on to the shroud. So with a body style tool I'm just going to reach in there and pull these clips off. Now we can see there's one more right here and one right here.

Okay. Now I can feel the connector for the fan. You can see it right there. Pull that on this tab and pull up on the plug. Now the electrical plug is up and out of the way, we move it from the ... follow the release cable for the hood. Out from there and the same with that harness. Get those out of the way. Now I'm going to get a bucket, place it underneath here. I'm going to raise the vehicle up first, and drain the radiator, because we're going to have to remove the upper radiator hose and I don't want coolant to go everywhere.

So on this particular model style vehicle, there is no drain plug or petcock for the radiator so we're just going to take the little hose off and hope for the best. I'm not into taking coolant baths but I think I'm going to probably take the clamp off, make this moves. It moves real easy. I'm not going to lower it down enough so I can reach underneath and just pull that hose off and into the bucket so I don't get showered on.

Now from up above, I can just reach down, grab that hose, and let it drain into the bucket. Now with that coolant draining, I can move the upper radiator hose. Get some pliers, squeeze that clamp back. Now just wiggle that hose off. I like to bend it up out of the way.

Now all you do is grab these two tabs that are right here and you lift these up, push the shroud out. Maybe I can do one side at a time. Then lift this side up. Pull it out from the bottom tabs. going to have to probably do a little rotation or actually, it comes right out from below. There you go. Bring it ... come down below. Comes right out.
Remove this clip. You've got the plastic ones that go on the actual plastic cover grille and then you've got these in here. So you can remove this one and then the same one on the other side. So remove all these clips straight across.

Now we have to remove these two covers that go to the radiator bushings. If you reach your hand back here you'll find a little plastic ... it looks like an electrical tab connector. You push down on it and slide the over it. So you're going to push down on this tab and slide it out. Do the same thing for this side. Now you can take this rubber bushing and lift it straight up. One here and one here. Now you're going to take the radiator and slide it towards the engine. If you have an AC unit, you'd have to disconnect the AC condenser to the radiator.

This system has AC and if yours does, you're going to raise your vehicle up and you're going to look in the bottom here. This silver thing you see here, that is the AC condenser. So we have to pull these tabs down and push the condenser forward a little bit, or the radiator more this way, so that we can go back on the top and slide the condenser out. I'll show you the actual clips on the new radiator.

Right, now I'm going to take a flathead pry bar or screwdriver and I'm going to just pull these tabs down like that. At the same time push that forward. I just wanna make sure when I get to the top, it doesn't slide itself back in. There we go.

Okay so now for my top here I'm going to pull the radiator towards the engine. You can see the condenser right there. I'm going to push down on the condenser and lift up on the radiator. Okay. There we go, there's one side. And we got the other side. There it is. Alright. It's just a little thing. There it is.

Now that our radiator is out, make sure you take these rubber spacers off the top. Set them aside and the bottom rubber bushings. This one's stuck to the radiator, the other one is inside on the radiator support. The last thing you have to keep is this little vent. So I'm going to take a little pocket screwdriver and I'm going to pull out on this tab on that side, and then this tab, and work it back and forth. It's got a rubber o-ring in there so it's kinda tight. There you go. Now you can see rubber o-ring. We're going to have to reuse that when we place it on the new radiator.

Here we have our brand new radiator on this side and the one we just took out, the original Ford Fiesta radiator. They're exactly the same diameter. You wanna always make sure that radiators have the same core as far as thickness, for cooling. It comes with all the clips that are supposed to be for the shroud. Everything's identical location. It's nice it comes with a new foam, connector, comes with new rubber spacers for the top. If you need this part or any other part for your car, click on the link below, and head over to 1Aauto.com.

I'm going to put the rubber radiator bushing back into that lower support. Make sure it's flush, sitting nicely. Now I'm going to put the vent back on. This is actually a little Schrader valve, so to burp the system to get air out, you loosen up this Schrader valve as it's getting warm and the air bubbles will come out, the steam will come out. Once you see fluid come out, you tighten it up. I put a little bit of a paste on there so that seal would stay nice and moist and not get to dried out.

This has a flat spot to it, and there's a flat spot in there. So you're going to line that up, feel it snug and click it in. Now to reinstall I'm going to bring it down at a little bit of an angle here, slide it over as far as I need to. Try to line up that condenser. Might get a little difficult cause you can't really get your arm in there. So I'm going to line up the top two plastic ears and slide it over the top of the condenser. I'm going to put the radiator bracket in the corner here, that little push pin. You wanna make sure the condenser goes on top of that plastic piece, like that.

I raised the vehicle up so I could slide the top of the radiator over the condenser on the trim piece. That way I can slowly guide this into place from in here. Now that we have the radiator in place and the condenser's lined up, we're going to put the little radiator hose on. Re clamp it. I like to line up the grooves just where they were, so it doesn't leak. Alright.

Now we can lower the vehicle. We're going to make sure that our top radiator supports are lined up. This has the cable stuck a little bit behind it. Make sure you get the cable out of there. That rubber bushing down flat and it just basically falls right in place like it should. Then you have your two half moon bushings that we took out. Slide those into place. Then we have our covers. So we're just going to slide them, line them up like that, and slide them right into place. So lets take the new shroud and we went from the bottom up, so let's do it again.

So we're going to take the shroud and put it up at the angle this way. Straighten it out. From here we can actually see the tabs down below now. I'm going to slide it right into this spot. With the hiring harness right here, it's easy to get to. I'm going to click it right in. Line the tabs up. Snap it in. Put the harness in the spots. Now the tabs are lined up, you just line them up and click it right in. That's it. Reconnect your harness all the way up with the body tabs on the wiring there. Make sure you put it back into this little safety hook.

Now we can put our grill tabs back in. There's four of them straight across. I'm going to put the center push ins. Now I'm going to put the air box back in but first I'm going to spray the rubber bushings. Give them a little help with the slipperiness of them, make sure they slide back in smoother. Bring that right down in there. Now we can line that up, bushings from down below, that one's lined up. Give it a push down. Snap the air inlet hose connector.
Now I'm going to put the transmission vent back on, a little tab right here that pushes down. We can put the vent back in the air box too. Now I'm going to put the upper radiator hose on. Line that clamp up. It's a release style, I gotta release it from the ... there you go.

Okay everything's in place. Snap this down, looks like it popped out. Now I can put the air filter back in and the air box cover. Make sure it's seated all the way down. Line up the mounting screws. I'm going to reconnect the mass air flow sensor and then push that red tab down on, put that vent hose back on. Flat blade screwdriver. I'm going to tighten the clamp on the throttle body end. Make sure that hose is all the way down. The car will not run if there is a vacuum leak on the air hose. Make sure it's tight. Now with the T20 we can tighten down the air box bolts. Last one, it's going to be a T25 for this worn out. Make sure that's tight, you want no water to get in there. Now we're ready to add coolant.

Now we're going to add our coolant. You use ... Only go right only through the overflow tank cause this doesn't have a radiator cap, this is it. This is where the pressure builds up. As you fill the overflow or the actual radio fill. You're going to take your vent cap and you're going to take the cap completely off. It's at the highest point, so the coolant will go down and push the air out. You can actually feel the air come out. Do that till you see coolant come out of here. There you go. You can hear air.

Now we got a catch bucket underneath there and I'm going to open this until all the air bubbles stop. I think that might be it. Okay let's start er up and we'll keep an eye on the temp gauge and make sure the fans come on.
So now with the car running, I'm going to let it run from 45 minutes to 50 minutes. Till the coolant fan comes on. Then make sure I shut it off, let it cool down and top the fluid off to the proper level.

Thanks for watching. Visit us at 1Aauto.com for quality auto parts, fast and free shipping and the best customer service in the industry.

2011 - 2013  Ford  Fiesta
2014 - 2018  Ford  Fiesta

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